New technology’s vital role in war on online antisemitism
By Jonathan Myers
The US president posted the clip on Truth Social in the early hours of Wednesday morning
By Imogen Garfinkel
“Do not subvert the rights of the needy in their disputes” Exodus 23:6
By Rabbi Dr Harris Bor
The self-described ‘midwestern Jew’ is at the vanguard of the tech that has the power to change the world
By Daniel Ben-David
It is a beneficial tool which children should be taught to use responsibly
By Leor Harel
Sussex University has been awarded five year-grant to research the influence of AI, computer games and digital media on understanding of the Shoah
Employment charity Work Avenue are looking to lead a series of events based around AI in the future
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A panel discussion hosted by World Jewish Relief this week saw the two Susskind brothers and their father, Richard, share a stage for the first time
By Alan Aziz
From defence technology to gaming and bee husbandry, the start-up nation is buzzing
By Rabbi Joseph Dweck
The space granted by technological advances will help us focus on our unique creativity
A revolution in education is on its way
By Rabbi A N Droyde
How do we respond religiously to advances in artificial intelligence?